Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Takin' that ride to nowhere We'll take that ride


   We'll do it live ... 

Everyone has a story. Everyone has memories both good and bad. We star in our own movie, our own mini series. The script changes and refreshes organically. The cast and locales change. The blink of an eye or years down the line. All points in between. Comedy, Horror, Drama, Crime, Romance, Fantasy. All the genres are featured in each person's story. 

So I'll tinker with my blog. Music, movies, card & comic collecting with a good dose of (mostly) self-deprecation through life experience. At my age with time, why not. I kinda like looking back, reminiscing. But not over doing it. Mindful that the show, the movie. Life it is. Still has more script to play out. 

Though there are times being a Teddy Bear wouldn't be so bad. 

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