Saturday, June 8, 2024


 ..."Nah man. Al Davis was spot on. CEO or Owner is bland"...

I live in a country that allows me to be this nutty and absurd. It's like winning the Lottery of Life being born in the USA. 👍😎

    ..."Sports, movies, music. It's entertainment. I like who I like because they entertain me. But they are not my heroes"...


          But heroes do exist...

Outside of my Mom & Dad, I've had three other heroes in my life. My siblings. All obviously much older as the pic shows. That's me in early Uptown Funk headwear. 😂😂

God blessed me with great parents and great siblings. I could not have chosen better had I been given the opportuniy to do so.  No one's life is perfect, mine certainly isn't. I've made my fair share of mistakes. The good however, dwarfs the bad. I'm lucky, and I don't take it for granted. 💓

Nothing but tremendous respect for Mr. Davis. The OG President of the General Partner. 

                   Regularly scheduled programming returns with the next installment.

Not Sponsored by Welch's. But we're open to the idea.  😊

              Till then...

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